
ADPH announces request for proposals for community-based disparate populations in tobacco control


CONTACT: Betsy Cagle
(334) 206-3995

CONTACT: Melanie Dickens
(256) 765-7557

Tobacco use and dependence remains the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Each year, approximately 480,000 people die from smoking, including more than 41,000 from secondhand smoke related deaths. Despite tobacco use and dependence reduction among the general population, some population groups still use tobacco at a disproportionate rate. This group includes African Americans, and the purpose of this request for proposals is to improve health equity among this population.

Although African Americans usually smoke fewer cigarettes and start smoking cigarettes at an older age, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that they are more likely to die from smoking-related disease than Caucasians. Tobacco use is a major contributor to the three leading causes of death among African Americans—heart disease, cancer and stroke.

The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) is seeking a local lead agency to develop a coalition or engage a current coalition to promote health system changes within the African American community in relation to tobacco prevention and control. Eligible applicants are public or private non-profit organizations, government agencies, non-governmental public or private organizations, and faith-based organizations.

Required activities include the following:

  • Develop a coalition or engage a current coalition of community stakeholders, community leaders, local health departments, and multi-disciplinary/diverse community partners (for example, healthcare, housing, businesses, faith-based organizations and education).
  • Conduct a needs assessment within the selected population along with a readiness assessment with the community.
  • Conduct a data collection survey in the target city.
  • Evaluate and develop an evidence-based best practice/publication based on information collected.
  • Maintain a database of supporters for policy change in reference to smoke-free communities, schools, and businesses.

Organizations are invited to submit proposals for consideration by April 12, 2021. The selected local lead agency will collaborate with ADPH to develop a 5-year strategic plan to improve health equity among this population with the completion of required activities. Click to download a copy of the application. Organizations wishing to apply for funding should e-mail or, ADPH Bureau of Prevention, Promotion, and Support, for more information.

An award of up to $50,000 will be made for each of two years. The selection decision will be made no later than April 23, 2021.

County health departments throughout Alabama provide a wide range of confidential and professional services. Contact your local county health department for additional information.

Mission: To promote, protect, and improve Alabama’s health

Vision: Healthy People. Healthy Communities. Healthy Alabama.

